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2018 한-영 국제공동기술개발사업 공고

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기관명, 공고구분, 공고일자, 공고내용, 주관기관명 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
공고구분 한국산업기술진흥원
공고일자 2017-09-22 00:00:00.000
공고내용 산업기술의 개방·융합·글로벌화에 따라 국내 산·학·연들을 대상으로 영국과 공동기술개발을 지원하는 「2018 한-영 국제공동기술개발사업」을 다음과 같이 공고하오니 관심이 있는 사업자는 신청하여 주시기 바랍니다. * 동 사업은 유럽다자간(유로스타2) 프로그램으로, 유로스타2 사무국에 먼저 접수('18년3월1일)되는 절차로 운영되며, 국문 공고는 2018년 국제고동기술개발사업 통합공고('18년 1월 예정) 시 세부 내용을 확인하시기 바랍니다. 담당자: 글로벌기획팀 심기태 책임연구원(02-6009-3185) Republic of Korea - United Kingdom: Promotional Joint Call for Eurostars Projects Deadline for Submission: 1st of March 2018 Call description The Republic of Korea and the United Kingdom actively participating in Eurostars2 jointly announce a Promotional Call for Project Ideas within the Eurostars2 programme. It is to facilitate innovation and technology development both in Korea and the UK. The call focuses on developing innovative products and applications with a strong market potential. Although Eurostars2 calls are open for projects within all technology areas, this Korea - UK promotional call specially focuses on: 1. ICT : Internet of Things; AI & Robotics; Augmented & Virtual Reality; Cyber Security 2. Advanced Materials : Graphene Applications & Materials for Demanding Environments Key dates 1. Opening of the Call: The 20th of September 2017 to Feb 2018 2. Brokerage Event: The 7th of November 2018 3. Eurostars2 call deadline: The 1st of March 2018 4. Proposal Evaluation: March 2018 to July 2018 5. Final Decision and start of the project: August 2018 to September 2018 Eurostars 2 Eligibility criteria Following the brokerage events, project applicants will be invited to present proposals according to the Eurostars criteria: ● The main applicant (the co-ordinator of the project) is a R&D performing SME. ● The consortium includes at least one Korean and one UK organization. The lead organization of the consortium must be an R&D performing SME on both the Korean and the UK side. Other SMEs, large enterprises and research institutes/universities are welcome to participate as additional participants or subcontractors. ● At least 50% (excluding subcontracting costs) of the project must be performed by the participating R&D performing SME(s) in the case of partners from the Republic of Korea. ● The main partner must be an R&D performing SME, and only SMEs are eligible for funding from the UK. ● Industrial and innovation actors from other countries may also participate, as long as they are funded through their own national (Eurostars) schemes or participate with own resources. ● The project demonstrates the contribution of the participants from both countries on an equal base, and the project is equally significant to all participants. One country cannot represent more than 75% of the project budget. Submission and approval procedures ● In order to submit the full application, you must register on the Eurostars website, starting (3 months before the deadline), and upload your proposal directly in the Eurostars application platform according to the joint Eurostars guidelines (www.eurostars-eureka.eu/home/guidelines) before 1 March 2018. ● However, in order to check the eligibility of your project and assist you with improving your application, we advise you to share a short description of your application, using the project outline form, with the Eurostars contact person in KIAT and Innovate UK before 19 January 2018. Funding details We are keen to facilitate collaboration between SMEs in the Republic of Korea and the UK, but there is no specific budget dedicated to this. The funding comes from the respective national budgets for Eurostars. Full proposals submitted will compete against any other proposal submitted within the Eurostars programme. Both Korea and the U.K will fund its eligible participants within the Eurostars framework, which means that funding conditions and eligibility criteria may vary. Main aspects of the funding criteria: South Korea Project funding is comprised of government contributions and civilian dues (cash and in-kind). The amount of government contributions will vary depending on the type of executing organizations and project in accordance with Article 24 (Funding criteria) and Article 25 (Civilian dues) of the Common Operational Regulations for the Industrial Technology Innovation Programs. (see: www.pms.re.kr). A party that participates in a project shall carry out its project using the government contributions allocated to it, and for-profit organizations shall individual bear the cash portion of civilian dues. A party that participates in a project shall carry out its project using the government contributions allocated to it, and for-profit organizations shall individual bear the cash portion of civilian dues Classification Share of government contributions in executing organisation’s project budget Share of cash in executing organization’s civilian dues Large company 33% or less 60% or more Mid-tier company 50% or less 50% or more SME 67% or less 40% or more Other 100% or less To be borne if necessary The UK Only research-performing SME’s are eligible for grant funding. The maximum grant budget is €360,000 per UK project partner, at a grant rate of up to 60% of eligible project costs. UK eligible project costs follow the UK domestic rules, and in addition the following criteria must also must be met at the closing date for the application, and remain applicable throughout the duration of the project: ● UK SMEs can only take part in one Eurostars project at any one time ● your final project report on an existing project, must have been accepted by the Eurostars secretariat before the application deadline. Holders of existing Eurostars projects can apply for other Innovate UK funding without this restriction ● participants must be separate non-linked legal entities ● companies must be registered at Companies House and trading for 12 months at the closing date for applications ● all work must be carried out in the UK and project costs must be incurred in the UK ● labour costs have to be PAYE ● UK subcontracting is capped at 20% of the UK partner eligible costs ● UK lead projects must be managed by an SME as per the Eurostars criteria. ● Project Management cannot be subcontracted Project Management cannot be subcontracted Type of organisation Funding rate for Research activities Funding rate for Development activities SME 60% or less 60% or less Large companies N/A N/A Universities & Research Institutes N/A N/A Other N/A N/A Contacts for details ■ Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT)National Eurostars Contact: Mr.Gitae Shim: +82 2 6009 3185, E-mail: gtshim@kiat.or.kr Mr.Dong Park: +82 2 6009 3208, E-mail.: dongwan27@kiat.or.kr ■ Innovate UK National Eurostars Contact: Dr Jane Watkins: +44 7500 051146, Email: jane.watkins@innovateuk.gov.uk
주관기관명 산업통상자원부

공고 담당자 정보

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원문URL http://rndgate.ntis.go.kr/switch.do?prefix=/un&page=/unRndList.do?method=retrievePop&searchVO.ro_rnd_uid=261077


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