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장비 개요

기관명, 장비번호, 제작사, 모델명, 장비사양, 취득일자, 취득금액 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
기관명 ZEUS
모델명 E-400
취득일자 2001-11-21

보유기관 및 이용정보

보유기관명, 보유기관코드, 활용범위, 활용상태, 표준코드, 표준분류명, 시설장비 설명, 장비이미지코드, 장비위치주소, NFEC 등록번호, 예약방법, 카타로그 URL, 메뉴얼 URL, 원문 URL, 첨부파일 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
보유기관명 진주바이오산업진흥원
시설장비 설명 Features newly developed high-intensity LED illumination providing uniform brightness in the entire field of view. A halogen illumination model is also available.
Nikon's infinity corrected optics designed especially for the ECLIPSE E100 microscope use state-of-the-art technology to produce outstanding performance. Nikon's CFI* optics achieve flat sharp images that minimize distortion to the maximum. Colorless transparent specimens can be observed with phase contrast observation. Featuring a simple and easy-to-use design for beginners strong rigidity to ensure high accuracy and a long life and an easy-to-store structure the ECLIPSE E100 is the perfect choice for a variety of purposes including educational and routine laboratory research.The newly developed Eco-illumination provides enough brightness for phase contrast observation. With a fly-eye lens in the illuminator uniform brightness is provided in the entire field of view. Using environmentally friendly long-life LEDs Eco-illumination boasts a long lifetime of 60000 hours and reduces the need for frequent lamp replacement. A halogen illumination model is also available.
Either a binocular tube or a trinocular tube to which a digital camera can be attached can be selected. Both tubes have an eyepiece lens inclination of 30° which allows for comfortable viewing. The eyepoint height can be adjusted by up to 34 mm and the interpupillary distance and diopter can be changed to accommodate a wide range of operators.
The coaxial coarse/fine focus knob and the stage handle are located equidistant from the operator so comfortable operation in a natural posture is possible even during a prolonged period of observation. The torque of the coarse focus knob is adjustable.대학 연구소 및 병원등에서 간편하게 샘플 관찰을 목적으로 슬라이드로 만든 샘플을 일반 위상차 형광등의 분야에 적용가능한 현미경
장비이미지코드 http://nfec.ntis.go.kr/storage/images/equip/photo/201101/.thumb/20110117183919.jpg
장비위치주소 경남 진주시 문산읍 삼곡리 월아산로 991 재단법인바이오21센터 재단법인바이오21센터 시험생산동 2층 207
NFEC 등록번호 NFEC-2007-10-015483
카타로그 URL
메뉴얼 URL
원문 URL http://www.zeus.go.kr/equip/read?equipId=Z-NTIS-0002981


과학기술표준분류, ICT 기술분류, 주제어 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
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