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장비 및 시설 기본정보

GPS 수신기

장비 개요

기관명, 장비번호, 제작사, 모델명, 장비사양, 취득일자, 취득금액 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
기관명 ZEUS
제작사 Trimble
모델명 T5700
취득일자 2003-06-30

보유기관 및 이용정보

보유기관명, 보유기관코드, 활용범위, 활용상태, 표준코드, 표준분류명, 시설장비 설명, 장비이미지코드, 장비위치주소, NFEC 등록번호, 예약방법, 카타로그 URL, 메뉴얼 URL, 원문 URL, 첨부파일 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
보유기관명 한국지질자원연구원
표준코드 D0
표준분류명 기타
시설장비 설명 The Trimble 5700 GPS system is a versatile Trimble GPS receiver that is ideal for control, measurement, design, stakeout, or as-built work. WAAS and EGNOS ready, it enables you to conduct real-time differential GIS grade surveys and navigation without a base station when in areas of WAAS/EGNOS coverage. Trimble 5700 offers Trimble Maxwell technology for superior tracking, Modular design for versatility: on a pole or tripod, on a vehicle, or in a backpack, fast and efficient data storage and communications, your choice of Trimble antenna for RTK roving or geodetic surveying. Code differential GPS positioning, Horizontal: ±(0.25m+2ppm) RMS Code differential GPS positioning, Vertical: ±(0.5m+2ppm) RMS Static and FastStatic GPS surveying, Horizontal: ±(5mm+0.5ppm) RMS Static and FastStatic GPS surveying, Vertical: ±(5mm+1ppm) RMS Real-time and postprocessed Kinematic surveys, Horizontal: ±(10mm+1ppm) (X baseline length) RMS Real-time and postprocessed Kinematic surveys, Vertical: ±(20mm+1ppm) RMS Initialization time: Single/Multi-base minimum10”+0.5 times baseline length in km, up to 30km Scalable GPS infrastructure Initialization time: 99.9%
장비이미지코드 https://www.zeus.go.kr/storage/images//equip/photo/201309/20130909153617952.jpg
장비위치주소 한국지질자원연구원 중앙연구동 C1
NFEC 등록번호 NFEC-2003-10-044527
카타로그 URL
메뉴얼 URL
원문 URL https://www.zeus.go.kr/cloud/resvEq/read/Z-NTIS-0053299?cloudId=200702080236


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