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장비 및 시설 기본정보


장비 개요

기관명, 장비번호, 제작사, 모델명, 장비사양, 취득일자, 취득금액 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
기관명 ZEUS
제작사 Waters
모델명 Alliance2695
취득일자 2004-12-09

보유기관 및 이용정보

보유기관명, 보유기관코드, 활용범위, 활용상태, 표준코드, 표준분류명, 시설장비 설명, 장비이미지코드, 장비위치주소, NFEC 등록번호, 예약방법, 카타로그 URL, 메뉴얼 URL, 원문 URL, 첨부파일 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
보유기관명 춘천바이오산업진흥원
시설장비 설명 1. HPLC System(Seperation Module) (1) Solvent Management System 1) Type : Dual Drive motors. Independently-Driven pistons and dual pressure transducers with digital signal processing(DSP) and precise feedback control. 2) Driver : Completely Independent Digitally controlled piston drives 3) Number of Solvents : One to Four(1~4) 4) Solvent Conditioning : Vacuum degas two(2) operating modes four (4) chambers <8mL internal volume per chamber or Helium sparge four(4) independent channel programmable flow rate for initial and maintenance periods 5) Flow Rate Range : 0.000 to 10.000 mL/min in 0.001mL/min increments 6) Compressibility compensation : Automatic and continuous 7) Effective System Delay Volume : 650μL independent of backpressure @1 mL/min(from proportioning valve to pump to autosampler to column) 8) Gradient Profiles : Eleven(11) gradient curves(including linear step[2] concave[4] and convex[4]) 9) Dry Prime/Wet Prime : Automatic front panel control 10) Flow Ramping : Time (0.01 to 30.00 min. in 0.01min increments) to reach maximum flow rate 11) Maximum Operating Pressure : 6000 psi. 12) Pressure Ripple : ≤2.5%(1 mL/min degassed methanol at 1700 psi backpressure) 13) Composition Range : 0.0 to 100.0% in 0.1% increments 14) Composition Accuracy : ±0.5% absolute Independent of backpressure 15) Composition Precision : 0.15% RSD or 0.02 min SD 16) Flow Precision : 0.075% RSD or 0.02min SD 6 replicates based on retention time or volumetric measures 17) Flow Accuracy : ±1% or 10 μL/min Degassed methanol at 600 psi back pressure 18) Display : LCD 19) Floppy Disk Drive : 1.44MB 3.5-inch disk for methods transfer and archiving; reportable GLP log액체 및 비휘발성 화합물의 정량 및 정성분석
장비이미지코드 http://nfec.ntis.go.kr/storage/images/equip/photo/itep200710/.thumb/1154452762_1.jpg
장비위치주소 강원 춘천시 후평1동 198-53번지 춘천바이오산업진흥원 바이오타운 바이오2동 2층 211
NFEC 등록번호 NFEC-2007-10-002922
카타로그 URL
메뉴얼 URL
원문 URL http://www.zeus.go.kr/equip/read?equipId=Z-NTIS-0000571


과학기술표준분류, ICT 기술분류, 주제어 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
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주제어 (키워드)