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장비 및 시설 기본정보

Audio Analyzer

장비 개요

기관명, 장비번호, 제작사, 모델명, 장비사양, 취득일자, 취득금액 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
기관명 ZEUS
제작사 Bruel & Kjaer
모델명 Type 2012
취득일자 1999-02-22

보유기관 및 이용정보

보유기관명, 보유기관코드, 활용범위, 활용상태, 표준코드, 표준분류명, 시설장비 설명, 장비이미지코드, 장비위치주소, NFEC 등록번호, 예약방법, 카타로그 URL, 메뉴얼 URL, 원문 URL, 첨부파일 순으로 구성된 표입니다.
보유기관명 한국기계전기전자시험연구원
시설장비 설명 Audio Analyzer Type 2012 offers three powerful measurement techniques in one instrument. Time Selective Response (TSR) Steady State Response (SSR) and FFT Spectrum (FFT) techniques combined with full complex processing ensure that Type 2012 will solve almost any electroa-coustic measurement problem.FEATURES:
m Transducer workstation combining the most advanced sine sweep and FFT techniquesm 12″ high-resolution colour monitor displays up to 36 curves simultaneouslym Frequency range: 1Hz to 40kHzm Distortion and noise: <?80 dB re full scale inputm Fast time selective measurement of complex frequency and impulse responsem Steady-state response measurements as a function of swept frequency or levelm Automated measurements of individual Harmonic Intermodulation and Difference Frequency distortion components and total RMSm 1600 line FFT spectrumm User-definable Auto Sequencesm Extensive post-processing facilities: + ? × / 1/ x x2 √x |x| poles zeros windowing editing smoothingm On-screen help in English French or Germanm Preamplifier (microphone) and balanced or single-ended direct inputsm Two separate built-in sine generatorsm Built-in 31/2 ″ 1.44Mbyte PC/MS-DOS compatible floppy disk drive for storage of data setups and Auto Sequences and simple loading of complete applicationsm Screen copy facility for plotters and printers both colour and monochrome direct or via diskm Upgrade kit from Version 3.0 to Version 4.0 availableUSES:
m Development and quality control testing of electroacoustic and vibration transducers: loudspeakers telephones headphones microphones hearing-aids hydrophones accelerometersm Linear and non-linear system analysis
m Propagation path identificationm Acoustical measurements in rooms and vehicles
장비이미지코드 http://nfec.ntis.go.kr/storage/images/equip/photo/201308/.thumb/20130807195024427.jpg
장비위치주소 경기 군포시 금정동 692-8 한국기계전기전자시험연구원 3동 1층
NFEC 등록번호 NFEC-2007-10-006538
카타로그 URL
메뉴얼 URL
원문 URL http://www.zeus.go.kr/equip/read?equipId=Z-NTIS-0001324


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