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현재(2024년 12월 26일) 119,572 건의 기술정보가 등록되어 있습니다.

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낙동강 유출 부유쓰레기의 거동 특성 장선웅,김대현,정용현,윤홍주 2014 2016-08-29


Sub-tide characteristics of the Modaomen watercourse in the PearlRiver Estuary and its response to hydrometeorology elements CHEN, Ling-fang,CHEN, Zi-shen,HUANG, Qiang 2014 2016-08-29


Seasonal variability of oceanic fronts in the East China Sea base on CORA ZHENG, Pei-nan,TENG, Jun,LI, Lei,BAI, Zhi-peng,WEN, Bin 2014 2016-08-29


Applicability analysis of MEOFIS platform for the fine forecasting of temperature and wind-speed on northern Bohai Bay LONG, Qiang,WANG, Feng,MENG, Yan-jing,MI, Xin-yue 2014 2016-08-29


Analysis of the typhoon storm surge in the Nantong coastal zone and the forecasting formulas GAO, Qing-qing,CAO, Bing,GAO, Xin-xin,XU, Chang-san 2014 2016-08-29


A Diagnosis Analysis of an Ocean-Effect Snow in Shandong Peninsula on 30 December, 2010 WANG, Qi,YANG, Cheng-fang,ZHANG, Su-ping,LI, Peng-yuan 2014 2016-08-29


Retrieval of the sea ice area from MODIS data by CART decision tree method ZHANG, Na,ZHANG, Qing-he 2014 2016-08-29


기후변화가 한강 유역의 시단위 확률강우량에 미치는 영향 남우성,안현준,김성훈,허준행 2015 2016-08-29


Frequency response characteristics of salinity change to hydro-meteorological elements in Modaomen waterway of Pearl River Estuary CHEN, Zi-shen,GAO, Shi-you,CHEN, Ling-fang 2015 2016-08-29


Inundation Risk Assessment of Storm Surge Along Putuo Coastal Areas HE, Pei-dong,ZUO, Jun-cheng,GU, Yun-bi,ZHANG, Bei,KANG, Xing,ZHANG, Hui 2015 2016-08-29