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현재(2025년 1월 12일) 119,577 건의 기술정보가 등록되어 있습니다.

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Utility of DWI and FGD-PET/CT for evaluating malignancy of BD-IPMN Hayashi, M.,Mikata, R.,Senoo, J.,Kusakabe, Y.,Yasui, S.,Tsuyuguchi, T.,Yoshitomi, H.,Ohtsuka, M.,Miyazaki, M.,Yokosuka, O. 2016 2016-09-05


Triple rule-out computed tomography for risk stratification of patients with acute chest pain Chae, M.K.,Kim, E.K.,Jung, K.Y.,Shin, T.G.,Sim, M.S.,Jo, I.J.,Song, K.J.,Chang, S.A.,Song, Y.B.,Hahn, J.Y.,Choi, S.H.,Gwon, H.C.,Lee, S.H.,Kim, S.M.,Eo, H.,Choe, Y.H.,Choi, J.H. 2016 2016-09-05


Pin-photodiode array for the measurement of fan-beam energy and air kerma distributions of X-ray CT scanners Haba, T.,Koyama, S.,Aoyama, T.,Kinomura, Y.,Ida, Y.,Kobayashi, M.,Kameyama, H.,Tsutsumi, Y. 2016 2016-09-05


CD73 Inhibition Shifts Cardiac Macrophage Polarization toward a Microbicidal Phenotype and Ameliorates the Outcome of Experimental Chagas Cardiomyopathy Ponce, Nicol #x00E1,s Eric,Sanmarco, Liliana Maria,Eberhardt, Natalia,Garc #x00ED,a, M #x00F3,nica Cristina,Rivarola, H #x00E9,ctor Walter,Cano, Roxana Carolina,Aoki, Maria Pilar 2016 2016-09-05


Gastric perforation secondary to metastasis from breast cancer Wong, Chee Siong,Gumber, Ashutosh,Kiruparan, Pasupathy,Blackmore, Alexander 2016 2016-09-05


Comparison of filtered back projection and iterative reconstruction in diagnosing appendicitis at 2-mSv CT Park, J. H.,Kim, B.,Kim, M. S.,Kim, H. J.,Ko, Y.,Ahn, S.,Karul, M.,Fletcher, J. G.,Lee, K. H. 2016 2016-09-05


Comparison of the image qualities of filtered back-projection, adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction, and model-based iterative reconstruction for CT venography at 80 kVp Kim, J. H.,Choo, K. S.,Moon, T. Y.,Lee, J. W.,Jeon, U. B.,Kim, T. U.,Hwang, J. Y.,Yun, M. J.,Jeong, D. W.,Lim, S. J. 2016 2016-09-05


Post traumatic deafness: a pictorial review of CT and MRI findings Maillot, O.,Atty eacute,, A.,Boyer, E.,Heck, O.,Kastler, A.,Grand, S.,Schmerber, S. b.,Krainik, A. 2016 2016-09-05


Prospective Evaluation of Agreement and Accuracy in the Diagnosis of Meniscal Tears: MR Arthrography a Short Time After Injection Versus CT Arthrography After a Moderate Delay Fox, M. G.,Graham, J. A.,Skelton, B. W. 2016 2016-09-05


Green, Matthew N. Underdog Politics: The Minority Party in the U.S. House of Representatives. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2015. 288 pages. $35.00 (softcover). 2016 2016-09-05