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三元丹 에탄올 추출물이 비만유도인자에 미치는 영향 강경수,이해진,심부용,박지원,최학주,김동희 2015 2016-09-05


족부에 발생한 활막 연골종증을 동반한 유선상 과오종: 2예 보고 이채칠,김상우,최혜정,황일영,김민석 2015 2016-09-05


초등학교 교과서에 게재된 곤충 및 거미류 종 목록 이영보,박해철,한태만,김성현,황석조,김남정 2012 2016-09-05


Oviposition deterrence and ovicidal activity of Mikania micrantha extracts on Tirathaba rufivena(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) ZHONG, Bao-zhu,LV, Chao-jun,QIAN, Jun,TAN, Wei-quan,GOU, Zhi-hui 2014 2016-09-05


Screening of Specificity Pathogenic Strains of Beauveria bassiana against Chilo suppressalis and Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus in Jilin Province TIAN, Zhi-lai,ZHU, Xiao-min,LUO, Jia-yu,LU, Yang,ZHAO, Yu 2014 2016-09-05


Comparison of Field Control Efficacy and Benefits for Asian Corn Borer by Using Four Different Green Control Techniques ZHAO, Xiu-mei,ZHANG, Shu-quan,QU, Zhong-cheng,LI, Min,WANG, Li-da,LI, Qing-chao,WU, Lin-lin 2014 2016-09-05


A bioassay suitable for screening pesticides to control the wireworm Agriotes spp. LI, Yao-fa,DANG, Zhi-hong,GAO, Zhan-lin,PAN, Xiao-hua,PAN, Wen-liang 2014 2016-09-05


Advances in Research and Application of Biological Control Agents in China ZHANG, Li-sheng,CHEN, Hong-yin 2014 2016-09-05


Effects of tomato spotted wilt virus on the development, reproduction and insecticide susceptibility of the spinosad-resistant western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis(Thysanoptera: Thripidae) ZHANG, Min-min,ZHAO, Wei-wei,MU, Wei,LIU, Feng,ZHANG, You-jun,WU, Qing-jun 2014 2016-09-05


Induction and culture condition optimization of Beouverio brongniortfi for microsclerotial production YANG, Xin,ZHANG, Da-min,LI, Zeng-zhi 2014 2016-09-05