36920 |
성별에 따른 대학생의 학업정서와 대인관계 능력이 SNS 중독 경향성에 미치는 영향 |
2016 |
2016-09-05 |
36919 |
DEA모형을 활용한 나노기술 분야 국가 R D 과제의 효율성 분석 |
배성훈,김준현,윤진선,강상규,신광민,조수지,이기광 |
2016 |
2016-09-05 |
36918 |
교수자의 스마트학습 수용 : TAM 모형을 중심으로 |
김도관,이현창,이양원,신성윤 |
2016 |
2016-09-05 |
36917 |
수중 고르기 장비의 건설 공정 및 효율성 분석 |
원덕희,장인성,신창주 |
2016 |
2016-09-05 |
36916 |
일부 119 구급대원의 직무스트레스가 피로도에 미치는 영향 |
최성수,김경완 |
2016 |
2016-09-05 |
36915 |
Concentration variations of atmospheric particulate matters in street greenbelts under typical weather conditions in spring |
WANG, Xiao-lei,WANG, Cheng,GU, Lin,WANG, Yan-ying,WANG, Qian |
2014 |
2016-09-05 |
36914 |
Land-sea thermal difference variations and its association with summer precipitation in eastern China |
WANG, Hong-guang,CAI, Rong-shuo,QI, Qing-hua,TAN, Hong-jian |
2014 |
2016-09-05 |
36913 |
Spatial distribution characteristics of air pollutants in major cities in China during the period of wide range haze pollution |
PAN, Jing-hu,ZHANG, Wen,LI, Jun-feng,WEN, Yan,WANG, Chun-juan |
2014 |
2016-09-05 |
36912 |
Pollution characteristics of atmospheric particulates in forest belts and their relationship with meteorological conditions |
LIU, Xu-hui,YU, Xin-xiao,ZHANG, Zhen-ming,LIU, Meng-meng,RUAN, Shi-qing-cao |
2014 |
2016-09-05 |
36911 |
Comparison on concentrations and quality of dissolved organic matter in throughfall and stemflow in a secondary forest of Castanopsis carlesii and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation |
LV, Mao-kui,XIE, Jin-sheng,JIANG, Miao-hua,LUO, Shui-jin,ZENG, Shao-juan,JI, Shu-rong,WAN, Jing-juan,YANG, Yu-sheng |
2014 |
2016-09-05 |