초록 |
The purpose of this study is to find the research trends relating to flipped learning through keyword network analysis. For investigating this topic, final 100 papers (removed due to overlap in all 205 papers) were selected as subjects from the result of research databases such as RISS, DBPIA, and KISS. After keyword extraction, coding, and data cleaning, we made a 2-mode network with final 202 keywords. In order to find out the research trends, frequency analysis, social network structural property analysis based on co-keyword network modeling, and social network centrality analysis were used. Followings were the results of the research: (a) Achievement, writing, blended learning, teaching and learning model, learner centered education, cooperative leaning, and learning motivation, and self-regulated learning were found to be the most common keywords except flipped learning. (b) Density was .088, and geodesic distance was 3.150 based on keyword network type 2. (c) Teaching and learning model, blended learning, and satisfaction were centrally located and closed related to other keywords. Satisfaction, teaching and learning model blended learning, motivation, writing, communication, and achievement were playing an intermediary role among other keywords. |