초록 |
Purpose: The aim of this study is to calculate U-factor of the window using international standard methods and compare quantitative and tendency difference focused on ISO standard 15099 and ISO standard 10077. And the result of ISO standard calculation methods is verified using thermal performance experiment to evaluate applicability of domestic certification system. This study is utilized a basis for activation of domestic window certification system. Method: First, 16 cases are selected that is combined a variety of frame, Glazing, spacer, etc. The selected cases were simulated using WINDOW THERM based on ISO 15099 and 10077 calculation method. Second, experiment was conducted based on Korean standard condition. Then, it was compared the error of experiment and simulation results. Through this process, ISO 15099 and 10077 calculation methods were evaluated accuracy and utilization. Result: The results show that the difference of ISO 15099 and ISO 10077-2 is maximum 5.4%. The results of comparing U-factor errors based on the Korea standard experiment test found 2.4%. Consequently, it will be possible to combination calculation methods of ISO 15099 and ISO 10077 for a single window. |