초록 |
This study aims to estimate the relative importance of quality management items through the defect analysis in the landscape construction process. The RIQMI are decided by the defect coefficient and it's cause weight. The defect items in the landscape construction process were classified by 56 items based on the classification form of '96 landscape architectural construction standard and the cause pattern were categorized 4 types as design, material, construction, and environment factors. To analyze the defect coefficient and the aucse weight by defect, the researcher surveyed the questionnaires on the 103 engineers and the 31 experts on the landscape architectural construction. The result of this study are as follows. The relative importance by facilities pattern turn out to be much higher construction, material fator than design. environment factor in wood facilities, paving facilities, and steel facilities, the RIQMI is very high in timber crack, timber vending, faulty of timber against decay, welding faulty of steel facilities in material factor, and timber crack, faulty of timber against decay, finish faulty of steel facilities, welding faulty of steel facilities in construction factor. |