초록 |
Objective : This study examined benzodiazepine prescription patterns of outpatients visiting the psychiatry department in a single general hospital in Korea. Methods : A retrospective descriptive analysis of benzodiazepine prescriptions was performed on a database from 2014 in a general hospital in Korea. We analyzed the following factors of adult outpatients: demographic factors such as sex and age, amount of benzodiazepine prescribed, treatment duration, and diagnosis based on the ICD-10. Results : In 2014, benzodiazepines were prescribed to 46.4% of the outpatients. Percentage of benzodiazepine prescription increased with age and was highest in the age group 40-59 years. Prescription was more prevalent in women and the prescription percentage increased by treatment duration. Patients with the F4 diagnosis (neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders) were the most highly prescribed group. For all diagnosis groups, prescription was more prevalent in females or similar for both sexes except for patients with F5 diagnosis (behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors), with males being more predominant. Conclusion : Despite the concern regarding the rate of benzodiazepine prescription and administration to geriatric patients, long-term prescription and usage among older patients is still prevalent. |