초록 |
In Korea association of health promotion(KHAP) there are fourteen laboratories in branch offices and one laboratory in headquarter office. To standardize the reference ranges of all laboratories of KAHP, they have been newly calculated from the laboratory data perfomed during the previous yearsby statistical metod annually for the period of 2000 through2003 so far. The referance ranges of total 56 test items were assigned. Among these there were eight test items that needed referance ranges by age groups and nine test items that needed reference rages by gender. The age grouping was into six groups : baby (0-3y), children(4-12y), adolescent(13-18y), adult(19-64y), younger elderly(19-64y), older elderly(over 80y) with references of statics in Medical Informatics and WHO classification. All the data collected were statistically analyzed with SAS 6.04 for Gaussian distribution that had been repeated two or three times after trimming out the the tests showed Gaussian distribution. Subsequently, Thereference ranges were defined in the rage from the point of lower 2.5% to the point of higher 97.5%. And in case the lower range could be '0', the reference ranges were defined in the range of 0 to 95%. Fifteen laboratoried troughout Korea of KAHP currently have standarzed reference rages of the tests that they perform. This means the patient data and reference values an be exchangeable among laboratories of KHAP.Annual revise of such reference rages can eventually lead to the level of those representing a standard of the national reference ranges. |