초록 |
This study aimed to analyze the economic effectiveness on environment improvement project that has been implemented in five fishing grounds of Taean-gun which had been damaged by the Hebei Spirit oil spill accident. In the analysis, first, this study performed the survey on residents perceptions about the environment improvement project. Second, the cost-benefit analysis was carried out to evaluate the economic effectiveness of the project. The survey results of residents perceptions indicated that the damage of oil spill was considerable in the target areas. It also showed that residents wanted to continue the environment improvement project and the levels of project satisfaction were quitely high. The economic results showed that 3 areas(Woong-do, Wang-san, and Dang-mi) would have positive values of NPV and B/C ratio, but the other(Nu-dong) would have negative values. The findings of this analysis could be used as the base data for increasing operational efficiency of future environment improvement projects. |