초록 |
In Descartes’s tree of philosophy, those sciences that corresponds to fruitsfrom which we can obtain the utility of philosophy are medicine, mechanicsand morals. Descartes used the term ‘médicine’ which can be applicable tomedicine. Nowadays, the term which Descartes used can be understood asphysiology general in many parts. He used terms like ‘physiologie’,‘physiologia’ also. These sciences consist of anatomy and physiology intraditional department of medicine. These departments meant the studies of thenatural and healthy parts of human beings in those days.Descartes says that ‘Morals’ is the ultimate level of wisdom among thosefruits, that is, sciences, in the tree of philosophy. In his moral philosophy, thefinal theme is the good life. He says that the key which opens the good lifeconsists in the understanding of the mechanism of act of our body anddeliberating the technology of controlling passions. The genuine moralphilosopher aims at the clear understanding of the natures and limits of humanbeings. Because they pursue the practical benefit for the eternal and firmsatisfaction. In this understanding, the most important part of human nature isrelated to the physiological and psychological basis of passions that occur insoul affected by the influence of the body.The studies on Descartes's epistemology mostly concentrate on the negativeparts of senses bothering the true knowledge. But Descartes actually assertsthat human beings are the union of mind and body, and therefore passions and senses have the positive functions which give the important information for thejudgements of what the good and the bad for the survival and health of humanbeings is. In Descartes, the completion of moral philosophy is closely relatedto his study of physiology. |