초록 |
The purpose of this study was to understand the presentation of wooden structure in the elevation of Mireuksajiseotap. Mireuksajiseotap is the stone pagoda in the western area of Mireuksaji. It has been said that the pagoda was only the adaptation of wooden pagoda because it was made with stone. But through the dismantle and investigation of this pagoda it revealed that the cental column is from 1st floor to 4th floor and how the elevation members are composed. And it can be understood that this pagoda is the only adaptation of elevation in wooden architecture or the interpretation of wooden structure. This study is progressed first by the analysis of interrelationship between Mireuksajiseotap and so called 'wooden tower pagoda', after that it is need to analyze the elevation members of the pagoda. The results of this study were as follows; Mireuksajiseotap has interrelated with ancient wooden tower pagoda. First in Mireuksajiseotap the horizontal members are amphasized by being piled up one on another. Second the only members inserted to inner structural part in this pagoda is the 'upper roof support stone' as the 'bo(梁)', insertion members in wooden tower pagoda. Third there are members containing two different direction and characters in one piece. Of course as the pagoda had made with stone, it could not but differ from wooden pagoda. But the composition of elevation members had been based on the sufficient understanding of structural characteristics in wooden pagoda. |