초록 |
A 10-year-old gelding Warmblood weighing 560 kg was referred to J C Equine Hospital with the history of hyperpnea, depression, pawing, and rolling for 7 hours. According to the results of clinical and ultrasound examination, it was considered that intestines were distended with thickened wall. The horse had been treated with lactated Ringers' solution (14 L, IV), flunixin meglumine (1.1 mg/kg, IV), and mineral oil (1 L, PO), but he did not show any responses to those treatments. Exploratory laparotomy was performed and identified incarcerated small intestine through the epiploic foramen. The horse received resection and anastomosis of the entrapped small intestine. After surgery, the horse was treated with intensive postoperative care of fluid therapy (5 L with 20 mEq/L KCl, every 2 hours), flunixin meglumine (1.1 mg/kg, IV, sid), antibiotics (penicillin 22,000 IU/kg, IV, qid and gentamicin 6.6 mg/kg, IV, sid), lidocaine constant rate infusion (bolus 1.3 mg/kg over 15 minutes then 0.05 mg/kg/minute), common nutritional supplements, nasogastric intubation every 2 hours and trunk bandage. Postoperative feeding program had started with small amount of hay every 4 hours and gradually increased to normal amount till 5 days. At 77 days after surgery, he showed sudden outbreak of colic and was euthanized. The causes of colic were small intestinal strangulation by passing through the mesenteric rents and postoperative adhesion between small intestines. According to the results, it is recommended to perform perioperative intensive care of horse with colic and to use several methods to prevent adhesions during abdominal surgery of horses. |