초록 |
In order to solve the shortage of roughage supply for dairy farm in Korea, winter cereal forage production after harvesting of rice in the fallow paddy field is studied. This study consist of two parts. One is the model development of the mechanized production which was already reported at the preview paper. This is the 2nd parts of the study. Also, the mechanized production model for cereal forage production in winter was reported in the previous study. In this paper, coverage area and mechanized wrap silge production cost are analyzed and compared to the other available feeds in Korea. Results of the research are summarized as follows; The coverage area for the winter cereal wrap silage production system in Korea is estimated to be 33.7 ha in case of working with a tractor and a set of implements. If two or three tractors are available, the coverage area is estimated to be 68.0 and 101.3 ha, respectively. The break even point (BEP) of the farming size is analyzed as 10 ha and its production(operating) cost is estimated to be 317 to 443 won/TDN-kg at the BEP point. The cost is lowered to 182 won/TDN-kg at 100ha-working, and is much lower compared with prices of imported feeds of 360 sim;600 won/TDN-kg. Therefore, winter cereal wrap silage model is judged to be feasible and desirable for a large scale production of forage in winter fallow paddy field. |