초록 |
The study was conducted to compare organizational innovation depending on the leadership type of middle managers in general hospital. Moreover, the study was also to prove whether employees'readiness causes any differences to the link between leadership and organizational innovation. The result is based on 769 sheets of survey paper answered by administrations and nurses working at general hospitals or the same level of hospitals located in the metropolitan area. The methods of analysis used are as follows: reliability analysis, frequency analysis, t-test, ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. Main results of the study can be summarized as below. First, by analyzing the influence of task-behavior leadership on organizational innovation, R squre on knowledge management which is organizational innovation factor was 12.5%, R squre on creativity was 9.1%, and R squre on innovation behavior was 10.3%. Regression model appeared to be statistically significant as well. Both task-behavior and relationship-behavior leadership have influence on organizational innovation and it is learned that relationship-behavior leadership has a bigger influence on all the organizational innovation factors. Second, moderating effect of the employee's readiness is examined in terms of the link between leadership and organizational innovation. As a result, the member's readiness had positive influence when it comes to the link between leadership and organizational innovation. Also, after verifying moderating effect of readiness (ability/willingness), this study shows that ability readiness has positive influence on the link between task-behavior(or relationship-behavior) leadership and creativity, and innovation behavior while willingness readiness positively influences the link between task-behavior(or relationship-behavior) leadership and creativity innovation behavior. To summarize results of the study, this study shows that the members who possess high readiness also have high organizational innovation, which promises their positive role in a group. |