초록 |
The purpose of this study is to provide an objective insight for factors that affect people's visiting behavior to educational farms. Second, this study aims to identify the underlying dimensions representing motivations and constraints for visiting educational farms. Third, this study explores differences among the classified groups with respect to structural relationships of each construct. Finally, identifying strategies of educational farm-related organizations could develop to reinforce visit motivations, offset visit constraints and ultimately increase behavioral intention for potential possible visitors to revisit and recommend educational farms. Empirical results of the study suggest implications for promoting the current farm villages and markets with many stakeholders in agricultural industries. Nevertheless, there are some limitations as followed: first, despite the possibility of their effects, the study did not consider other factors, which could affect revisiting behavior such as destination image, experiencing attributes etc. Second, the study needs improvements through longitudinal research because the cross-sectional research could not rule out the alternative explanations. The directions for the future study are as follows: first, future study requires time series approach instead of cross sectional approach. Secondly, future study might utilize comparative study regarding regional characteristics of educational farms or a nation-wide approach. Thirdly, future study can suggest a combined educational farms considering practical educational farm cases. Lastly, it is considered that developing evaluation measures such as quality authentication system will contribute to educational farms' stabilization. |