초록 |
This paper spreads discussion mainly on Dakebe-family(武部家) which activelyexpanded immigration, education business and fisheries in EoCheongDo(於靑島) at thebeginning of the 20th century. This paper must have solved the following problems atleast.First, in describing the history of island as 有史無書(YuSaMuSeo; History existswithout record), this paper intended to read the transition of the then society throughspecific key person instead of general time theory of colony. This paper defined theprincipal power that ruled EoCheongDo(於靑島) by analyzing the fishing villageconstructed by Karaieitaro(加來榮太郞), the Dakebe-family(武部家) emigrating to theisland and the social activity and advancement to fisheries of Dakebesizuo(武部靜雄).Second, this paper could read the tendency of small island in linked relation withthe mutually separated materials such as documents kept by EoCheongDo(於靑島)Primary School, fisheries investigation report at the beginning of the 20th century,document of Gongjinhoe(共進會; Exibition) and so on. The intent was to find thatthough the official report in the colonial age and terminal materials of rural villagewere mutually separated, they operated as one entity in the long run.Third, this paper could read the advancement of Chung State to fisheries ofEoCheongDo(於靑島) and advancement of Japanese at the end of old Korea, the310 역사민속학 제24호투고일 : 2007년 6월20일 / 심사완료일 : 2007년 7월 4일alteration in species of fishes until the emancipation and the resultant transition in thehistory of fisheries. However, this paper just presented the statistical data of fisheries,because it did not pay attention to the transition of history of fishing technology. Thismatter will be prepared in separate dissertation later on the basis of local materialsorally prepared. |