초록 |
The purpose of this study is to present the raw data for management and conservation of tidal flat by objective surveying and analysing the halophytes and vegetation distributed in Seocheon tidal flat wetland conservation area, Korea. The results are as follows. The numbers of halophytes in this site were summarized as 27 taxa including 13 families, 21 genera, 26 species and 1 variety. In the results of ecologically important species, rare plant was 1 taxa, 10 taxa of the specific plants by floristic region, 1 taxa of naturalized plant and 1 taxa of the plant with approval for delivering oversea. The life form spectrum consisted of therophytes(44.4%), hemicryptophytes(25.9%), geophytes(14.8%), nanophanerophytes(7.5%), chamaephytes and hydatophytes(each 3.7%). The types of vegetation of Seocheon tidal flat wetland conservation area were classified with 17 communities including Vitex rotundifolia community, Suaeda maritima community, Calystegia soldanella community and so forth. In the halophytes composition, section C and E-1 had the largest character species and companion species. In the results of vegetation amount, section C, D, E-1 and E-2 were the highest score, on the other hand, section A and B were the lowest. The final rating was calculated by adding up values of two factors, and section C and E-1 had the highest rating of II. In future, we will survey the whole flora in Seocheon tidal flat, we will offer the help to establishing the conservation plan of coastal plant ecosystem in West Sea. |