초록 |
Understanding sources and contributions of $PM_{2.5}$ mass and particulate PAHs from traffic-related pollution can provide valuable information for alleviating air contamination from car emissions in urban areas. Two sampling sites at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST, $35.228^{ circ}N$ , $126.843^{ circ}E$ ) and National institute of environmental research NamBu Supersite (NNBS, $35.226^{ circ}N$ , $126.848^{ circ}E$ ) were selected for comprehensive road-oriented-PM investigations. Continuous measurements from optical particle sizer (OPS) and optical particle counter (OPC) with 24 hr integrated filter based samplers for organic carbon, water soluble organic carbon, and Poly Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) were conducted during Nov. 3 through 22 in 2014. As a result, $PM_{2.5}$ mass concentrations using OPC and OPS in NNBS presented about twice higher than in GIST due to road dust impacts based on wind direction analysis. In addition, ratios of elemental carbon (EC) to organic carbon (OC) and water insoluble organic carbon (WIOC) to organic carbon (OC) supported an additional evidence of the primary pollutant contributions oriented from road dust. PAHs related to 5 rings such as benzo(e a)pyrene indicates higher associations. |