초록 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlation of Intima-Media Thickness of common carotid artery(CCA-IMT) and The Second Derivative of Photoplethysmogram Waveforms(SDPTG). 38 subjects with acute ischemic stroke were recruited from the patients admitted to Dong-Eui Medical Center from the June 2013 to January 2014. We assessed 38 patient's SDPTG data and CCA-IMT data by B Mode ultrasonography. then 38 subjects were divided into two groups by the CCA-IMT difference; CCA-IMT #12296; 0.8 mm group(n=11), CCA-IMT $$ geq_-$$ 0.8 mm group(n=27). We analyzed their characteristics, risk factor, blood test result, life style by CCA-IMT difference. As a result, Age, Hypertension were significantly higher in the CCA-IMT $$ geq_-$$ 0.8 mm group then in the CCA-IMT $$ geq_-$$ 0.8 mm group. The result of Multiple regression analysis on the factors affecting the CCA-IMT was hypertension, total cholesterol, age. and The result of Pearson's Correlation analysis on CCA-IMT and SDPTG is that e/a ratio, SDPTG AI were respectively and significantly correlated with CCA-IMT. According to the analysis, the Relationship between CCA-IMT and SDPTG in Ischemic Stroke Patients were founded. We suggest that further investigation with larger and better controlled trials of the Relationship between CCA-IMT and SDPTG could contribute to better understand the effects of risk factors on atherosclerosis. |