초록 |
As for medical education, not only acquirement of knowledge but also practical clinical competence is important because it is needed on primary medicine. Under this trend, Clinical Performance Examination(CPX) is already being practiced in medical college. But in spite of its importance, CPX is not yet practiced in Korean medical college. So, by contemplating necessity and outcome of CPX, We try to offer basic data for future imposition and improvement of CPX in Korean medical education. 49 students of grade 3 in a Daejeon Korean Medical College were targets of investigation. After educated about CPX in advance, They treated simulated patient and answered questionnaire about CPX. Then, their treatment was scored by Professor and simulated patients. Total 49 members responded to the survey and the results of the analysis were as follows. The answer that CPX is useful(Mean=4.12) and essential for acquiring professionalism of treatment(Mean=4.02) was got high scores. But many respondents replied about necessity of better CPX environment and felt difficulty about PPI(45%). Meanwhile, Professor group(Mean=9.24) tended to give more high score than Simulated patient group(Mean=7.94). This study can be very useful for composing basic data of CPX in Korean medical College and improving practical clinical competence of students. But this study has also some limits like area, respondent selection, group module etc. So, more detailed and comprehensive survey is needed. This work was supported by the Daejeon University Research Grant. |