초록 |
Recently in South Korea, family-friendly living environment in resident communities have emerged as an important issue in addressing problems created by personalized and fragmented family in urban areas. Since their foundation in 2005, Healthy Family Support Centers provided a variety of community activities for both parents and children through the Co-Child Care Sharing Programs. That being said, it is certain that the Healthy Family Support Centers play a central role in making a family-friendly environment. This study surveyed the physical environment of the co-child care sharing space and suggested further improvement. The content of this survey represents the characteristics of co-child care sharing space in Incheon such as operation status, physical space, prepared facilities, and preference for facilities. This study also explored the field of two co-child sharing spaces (Bupyung-gu and Seo-gu) as an example case. The subject of this study was 14 co-child sharing spaces of nine Healthy Family Support Centers in Incheon investigated from July 2014 to October 2014. This study indicated three results: first, the size of the co-child care spaces, their composition and facilities are very different from each center and require standards and guidelines for the co-child sharing space in regards to physical space, composition, and facilities. Second, co-child sharing space should be provided with individual special programs and diversified activities in addition to playing activities. Third, many healthy family support centers operate over two co-child sharing spaces along with an out-located co-child sharing space that require mutual organizing and operational networking between each co-child sharing space to effectively share programs. |