초록 |
This paper deals with the economic analysis of domestic fuel cell vehicles considering subsidy and hydrogen price in 2015 and 2025. We selected TFCV (Tucson fuel cell vehicle) and TDV (Tucson diesel vehicle) to identify the economic feasibility of fuel cell vehicles compared with conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. We made some sensitivity analysis by changing input factors such as the size of the subsidy, the hydrogen price and the discount rate. Also, we made a break-even point analysis on hydrogen prices that equalize the economic feasibility of TFCV and TDV in 2025. As a result, TFCV is not economical in 2015 due to the relatively high prices of hydrogen and vehicles. If the sale prices of TFCV are 30,000,000 won and 35,000,000 won in 2025, then the break-even points of hydrogen prices are equal to 7,483 won/kg and 5,043 won/kg. |