초록 |
This study was carried out to determine the optimum size and number of farm machines for various sizes of land coverage of the cooperative farm machinery utilization systems in Korea-namely Saemaul Mechanized Farming Group (SMFG). Fifty-one SMFG were selected from 8 counties in Chonnam province, and ownership, operation and management of farm machinery were surveyed. Annual covered area, cost and the break-even-point area of farm machinery were analyzed on the bases of the surveyed data and the present governmental subsidy policy, and then the optimum level of farm machinery ownership was determined. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The break-even-point areas of the tractors of 22-23ps, 28ps and 47-50ps were estimated as 12.1ha, 15.3ha and 21.6ha, respectively. The optimum size of a tractor for land sizes of 10-20ha, 20-30ha, and 30-40ha were estimated as 22-23ps, 28ps, and 47-50ps, respectively. 2. The break-even-point area of a rice transplanter was estimated as 3.3ha. The optimum numbers of rice transplanter for land sizes of 10-20ha, 20-30ha, and 30-40ha were estimated as 2,3, and 4, respectively. 3. The break-even-point areas of a speed sprayer (attached on power tiller) and a power sprayer were estimated as 114.6ha and 15.3ha, respectively. The optimum numbers of power sprayer for land sizes of 10-20ha, 20-30ha, and 30-40ha were estimated as 2,3 and 4, respectively. A speed sprayer is desirable for an area of more than 30ha coverage. 4. The break-even-point area of a combine was estimated as 10.7ha. The optimum numbers of combine for land sizes of 10-20ha, 20-30ha, and 30-40ha were estimated as 1,2, and 3, respectively. |