초록 |
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify predictors of obesity for military executive members of the Korean Army Personnel. Methods: The sample consisted of 1,026 executive members from the military. The data were drawn from a self-report survey with questions about demographics, obesity-related knowledge, attitude and behavior from June 9, 2015 to July 21, 2015. The Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ${ chi}^2$ -test and logistic regression. Results: Of the total participants, sixty-five percent reported being non-obese and the remaining thirty-five percent would be classified as obese. The classification was defined by the BMI scores. Those participants with more than twenty years of service were 3.41 times more likely to be at risk for obesity compared to those participants with less than one year of service who had the lowest risk. Those participants with less than twenty more than ten years of service were 2.64times more likely to report obesity than those who had the lowest risk. Other factors related to the obesity was whether a person was in a front line unit (3.65 times higher), or rear unit (4.48 times higher) as compared to those in a special unit. For those who reported smoking more than a pack of cigarettes a day had 2.64 times the risk of obesity than those who smoked less than a half pack a day. Above average score in sensitivity of obesity related attitude showed 5.92 times higher risk than below average. Conclusion: This result suggested that over ten years of service, front line unit, rear unit, smoking more than one pack per day, and above average score in sensitivity of obesity related attitude influenced obesity. This study might provide base-line data for implementing tailored obesity management program to improve health status of the Korean army personnel. |