초록 |
High-rate phosphorous removal by PAC (poly aluminum chloride) coagulation of A2O effluent was investigate to meet the stringent requirement of wastewater discharge from municipal wastewater treatment plant. A series of jar tests were conducted to find optimum coagulation condition and to enhance removal efficiency. The optimum volumetric concentration of PAC was 30 ppm (2.81mol Al/mol P by mol ratio). Only 17.2% of soluble P was removed for 30 minutes' settling without PAC addition, while this increased to 30.3% by dosing 10ppm PAC. It even increased conspicuously from 49.3% to 88.4% by increasing PAC dose from 20 ppm to 30 ppm. 92.4% of total P was removed by 30 ppm PAC, and the effluent concentration (0.3 mg/L) was acceptable for discharge. The optimum value of coagulation time, settling time, and pH were 4minutes, 20 minutes, and 7.0, respectively. It was not necessary to control pH of raw sample whose pH was 7.0. Soluble P removal was remarkably enhanced at pH 7.0. This implied that sweep floc formation by Al(OH)3 was the main mechanism of coagulation for soluble P removal. Influent and effluent of secondary clarifier were tested for coagulation, and the effluent was better for high-rate P removal. It resulted in 0.18 mg/L of P and 95.4% of P removal by coagulation. It was favorable to recycle the treated water to coagulation tank and the optimum recycle ratio was 0.3. |