초록 |
The Southern Ocean (SO) plays a primary role in global climate by storing and transporting anthropogenic carbon dioxide through the meridional overturning circulation and the biological pumping process. In this study, we aim to investigate interannual variability of summer chlorophyll concentration in the SO and its relation with the El $Ni{ tilde{n}}o$ Southern Oscillation (ENSO), using satellite ocean color data covering 16 years from 1997 to 2012. During El $Ni{ tilde{n}}o$ periods, chlorophyll concentration tends to increase in the subtropics (north of the subantarctic front). This chlorophyll increase is likely linked to El $Ni{ tilde{n}}o$ -induced surface cooling that increases nutrient supply through enhanced vertical mixing in the subtropics. On the other hand, the subpolar gyres show localized chlorophyll changes in response to the ENSO. The localized response seems to be primarily attributed to changes in sea-ice concentrations. Our findings suggest that ENSO contributes interannual variability of chlorophyll in the SO through different mechanisms depending on regions. |