초록 |
Purpose: This study examined the influencing factors from the Transtheoretical Model on the stage of change in the self-management behaviors, i.e. regular physical activity and diet, among community-residing adults with hypertension in a rural area. Methods: With a cross-sectional descriptive design, 134 adults who had registered and received a prescription for hypertension medication from a public health center in W city were recruited using convenient sampling. The instrument was an interviewer-administered questionnaire on the stage of change, process of change, self-efficacy, and decisional balance of physical activity and diet. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, 2-sample t-test, ${ chi}^2$ test, and logistic regression. Results: The results revealed significant differences in the process of change, self-efficacy, and decisional balance of physical activity and diet between those who were in the pre-execution stage (precontemplation, contemplation, preparation) and those who were in the execution stage (action and maintenance). Logistic regression showed that consciousness raising and self-efficacy were significant predictors of the execution stage in physical activity, and self-reevaluation, social liberation and self-efficacy were significant predictors in the diet. Conclusion: The relevant processes of change, differentiated according to the stage of change, along with self-efficacy, should be addressed to enhance the execution of self-management behaviors among hypertensive adults residing in the community. |