초록 |
This paper examines the conventional notion of natural beauty and its legacy on the aesthetic experience of nature and landscape architecture in terms of critical perspective. We can take its clue for discussion from the our routine convention of experiencing natural beauty from the picture-like nature. We often equate natural beauty with superficial representations of nature shown in pictures. However, it is no more than a by-stander's nature seen purely through the eyes of the outsider. Problems of the picture-like nature can be summarized as the contemplative and visual-oriented aesthetic experience of landscape, which has had its influence not only on the ways of seeing the natural beauty but also on the ways of making it. The tradition of the picture-like nature has been transplanted into the real world through the practice of landscape architecture. It has been mass-producing superficial beauty of nature, focused on visual form. Landscape architecture in such a form is just a static means of decoration devoid of meaning and content. |