초록 |
While the modern science, promoted by the system of production for theworld market, provides us remarkable material affluences and conveniences, itgenerates a large number of accidents and disasters, such as environmentaldamage, ecological destruction, weather anomaly, and the like. With the intentionof finding out how to get out of the crises threatening the survival of allhumans, this paper weighs up the potentiality of farmers for the production ofan alternative science. Interviews with a sample of twelve organic farmers showthat their knowledge and technology are quite different from those of scientists. First, the dualistic separation and opposition of human and nature, of crops andweeds, and of beneficial insects and pests are sublated in the knowledge formcreated by those farmers, and thereby recognizing or accepting all of them asparts of reality. Second, it is 'the integration of hand, brain, and heart,' achievedin their agricultural activities of cultivating, that was the substantial foundationon which the alternative knowledges, of caring and saving all life, were based. Third, organic farmers were somewhat detached from universalism andauthoritarianism, elitism and arrivism, as character attributes of almost everyscientist or intellectual, all of which are an inevitable result of the knowledgeproduction system that established the epistemological and methodologicalsuperiority of specialists in the way we understand the world and settleproblems, and at the same time are a main cause of the development of scienceand technology harmful to all forms of life. |