초록 |
We investigated the fecundity, egg size, reproductive output, and breeding frequency and season of Neocaridina denticulata denticulata and Latreutes planirostris which inhabit extremely different habitats. The marine shrimp Latreutes planirostris produced more eggs had at a given carapace length than the freshwater shrimp N. d. denticulata. However, N. d. denticulata had a larger egg volume and greater reproductive output than L. planirostris. The monthly gonadosomatic index (GSI) of the freshwater shrimp began to increase in April and reached a maximum in May, suggesting a single breeding period. In contrast, the GSI of the marine shrimp exhibited two breeding peaks: May-June and September. In both shrimps, the regressions between carapace length and ovarian weight were significant at the non-eyed and eyed embryo stages. For both species, an analysis of covariance revealed significant difference between the two regressions in elevation, but not in slope. These results indicate the potential for multiple ovulations within the reproductive season. |