초록 |
Current research trends of prediction of possible structures, synthesis and explosive characteristics of polynitrogen molecules(PNs) are reviewed. Theoretically PNs are composed only of nitrogen atoms, in which N-N bonds are either single or double bonds, and thus when these molecules decompose, release of enormous energy is accompanied. From the middle of 20th century energetic material chemists have been seeking possible structures and the methods of synthesis of these new materials. As a results, from $N_4$ to $N_{60}$ together with their ions are predicted, and experimental chemists have been trying to synthesize these materials with a few success, including the famous ${N_5}^+$ ion in 1999. Although experimental successes are very rare beyond $N_5$ until today, the author believes that renovative ideas together with sincere efforts will bring someday next generation of high energy materials such as nitrogen fullerene( $N_{60}$ ) in reality. |