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지역사회 노인을 위한 식생활 개선 프로그램 개발 항목에 대한 타당성 연구

논문 개요

기관명, 저널명, ISSN, ISBN 으로 구성된 논문 개요 표입니다.
기관명 NDSL
저널명 대한지역사회영양학회지 = Korean journal of community nutrition
ISSN 1226-0983,

논문저자 및 소속기관 정보

저자, 소속기관, 출판인, 간행물 번호, 발행연도, 초록, 원문UR, 첨부파일 순으로 구성된 논문저자 및 소속기관 정보표입니다
저자(한글) 김성희,김보람,주나미
간행물 번호
발행연도 2017-01-01
초록 Objectives: The purpose of the study was to develop dietary change program items that could be used to improve dietary life of the elderly and investigate their validity. Methods: The survey was were analyzed by SPSS program (Ver. 21) and descriptive statistics was performed; a t-test, ${ chi}^2$ test, One-way ANOVA and Friedman test were used to determine the priority. Results: Programs for feeding senior citizens that need to be newly established are largely divided into two fields, namely, application of welfare facilities and application of home care, classified into large, medium and sub-classes. The large class was divided into nutrition management, sanitary control, and other health management. The medium class of nutrition management was divided into nutrition education, nutrition intervention, and menu management and supply. The sub-class was composed of division into application of welfare facilities for the elderly and application of home care for the same age group. Responses showed high rate saying that all the categorized items were necessary and valid. With respect to expectation effect on a community program for old people feeding, 'yes' was 65 people (55.6%) showing very high expectation toward the question whether a community program for old people feeding are newly set up. Conclusions: It is believed that nutrition for the aged will be improved and it will be a help not only to a small facilities without obligation of employing a dietician but also to the aged at home if a community program for old people feeding are newly established.
원문URL http://click.ndsl.kr/servlet/OpenAPIDetailView?keyValue=03553784&target=NART&cn=JAKO201720861274859


과학기술표준분류, ICT 기술분류,DDC 분류,주제어 (키워드) 순으로 구성된 추가정보표입니다
ICT 기술분류
DDC 분류
주제어 (키워드) dietary improvement program,senior citizens,welfare facilities for the aged,home care for the aged