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전산화를 통한 한국인 식생활 개선 방안 연구-식생활평가 시스템-

논문 개요

기관명, 저널명, ISSN, ISBN 으로 구성된 논문 개요 표입니다.
기관명 NDSL
저널명 韓國營養學會誌 = The Korean journal of nutrition.
ISSN 0367-6463,2005-7121

논문저자 및 소속기관 정보

저자, 소속기관, 출판인, 간행물 번호, 발행연도, 초록, 원문UR, 첨부파일 순으로 구성된 논문저자 및 소속기관 정보표입니다
저자(한글) 이기열
간행물 번호
발행연도 1987-01-01
초록 The purpose of this study is to computerize all the necessary information on the daily food value and nutritional status for individuals and groups. In this research, a FOCUS-16jXT (16 bit personal computer ) compatible with IBM-PCjXT was used, and the database files and programs were created by using the dBASEIII package. The food life evaluation system consists of 3 subsystems of Reference, Nutrition Status Assessment and Food Source. The findings are summerized a8 follows: 1. Reference: This subsystem enables users to proceed to the next step, if necessary, by describing each subsystem. 2. Nutrition Status Assessment. 1) Food Habit Assessment: This subsystem determines whether the user has a good food habit or not, based on the answers for ten questions about daily food life. 2) Obesity Assessment: This subsystem calculates Broca index, which is used as a indicator of obesity. 3) Nutrient Intakes: When personal data such as age, sex, weight, height and food consumptions are input, it is possible to calculate the followings. i) Comparison between the amounts intaked and the recommended dietary daily allowances of various nutrients ii) Nutrient intakes from each food group and their composition rates for the nutrients iii) Nutrient intakes per unit body surface area iv) Composition of lipid intake 3. Food Sources: The appropriate food sources for the lacking nutrients will be recommended to the subjects.
원문URL http://click.ndsl.kr/servlet/OpenAPIDetailView?keyValue=03553784&target=NART&cn=JAKO198711920178515


과학기술표준분류, ICT 기술분류,DDC 분류,주제어 (키워드) 순으로 구성된 추가정보표입니다
ICT 기술분류
DDC 분류
주제어 (키워드)