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Role of a NSAID in the apparent cure of a fungal mycetoma Dupont, B.,Datry, A.,Poiree, S.,Canestri, A.,Boucheneb, S.,Fourniols, E. 2016 2016-09-05


Vascular rings Backer, C.L.,Monge, M.C.,Popescu, A.R.,Eltayeb, O.M.,Rastatter, J.C.,Rigsby, C.K. 2016 2016-09-05


Efficacy of Multilayer Flow Modulator in treatment of thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm in a case of Behcet's disease Bouayed, M.N.,Bouziane, L.,Sekkal, A.,Benaroussi, S.A. 2016 2016-09-05


Evaluation for suspected acute appendicitis in the emergency department setting: a comparison of outcomes among three imaging pathways Rosenkrantz, A.B.,Labib, A.,Ginocchio, L.A.,Babb, J.S. 2016 2016-09-05


Reconstruction of the formation history of the Darwin Mounds, N Rockall Trough: How the dynamics of a sandy contourite affected cold-water coral growth Victorero, L.,Blamart, D.,Pons-Branchu, E.,Mavrogordato, M.N.,Huvenne, V.A.I. 2016 2016-09-05


PATIENT EXPOSURE OPTIMISATION THROUGH TASK-BASED ASSESSMENT OF A NEW MODEL-BASED ITERATIVE RECONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE Ott, Julien G.,Ba, Alexandre,Racine, Damien,Ryckx, Nick,Bochud, Francois O.,Alkadhi, Hatem,Verdun, Francis R. 2016 2016-09-05


IMAGE FUSION OF RECONSTRUCTED DIGITAL TOMOSYNTHESIS VOLUMES FROM A FRONTAL AND A LATERAL ACQUISITION Arvidsson, Jonathan,Soderman, Christina,Allansdotter Johnsson, A #x030A,se,Bernhardt, Peter,Starck, Goran,Kahl, Fredrik,BA #x030A,a #x030A,th, Magnus 2016 2016-09-05


The relationship between dental implant stability and trabecular bone structure using cone-beam computed tomography Kang, Se-Ryong,Bok, Sung-Chul,Choi, Soon-Chul,Lee, Sam-Sun,Heo, Min-Suk,Huh, Kyung-Hoe,Kim, Tae-Il,Yi, Won-Jin 2016 2016-09-05


Research on the g factors of Cr3+ ion in elpasolite crystals Cs2NaYX6 (X=Cl, Br) Wu, X.X.,Zheng, W.C. 2016 2016-09-05


Transportal femoral drilling creates more horizontal ACL graft orientation compared to transtibial drilling: A 3D CT imaging study Clockaerts, S.,Van Haver, A.,Verhaegen, J.,Vuylsteke, K.,Leenders, T.,Lagae, K.C.,Verdonk, P. 2016 2016-09-05