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Relationship between Incidence of Endometritis and Metabolic Status during Peri- and Postpartum Periods in Dairy Cows Jeong, Jae-Kwan,Choi, In-Soo,Kang, Hyun-Gu,Jung, Young-Hun,Hur, Tai-Young,Kim, Ill-Hwa 2015 2016-09-05


Evaluation of the Biocompatibility of Cuttlebone in Mouse Won, Sangcheol,Lee, Joo Myoung,Cheong, Jongtae,Park, Hyunjung,Seo, Jongpil 2015 2016-09-05


Successful Management of Hepatic Lipidosis Accompanied by a Feline Skin Fragility Syndrome-like Lesion in a Cat Park, Hyoung-Jin,Hong, Eun-Ji,Kwon, Hyo-Jung,Park, Seong-Jun,Park, Joo Min,Song, Kun-Ho,Seo, Kyoung-Won 2015 2016-09-05


독수리(Aegypius monachus)의 흡입마취에서 Capnography를 이용한 호기말 이산화탄소분압 모니터링 박원규,석성훈,박세진,이승용,김영기,황재민,정동혁,이희천,연성찬 2015 2016-09-05


말의 그물막구멍포착 교정을 위한 소장 절제 및 문합 1례 황혜신,박철규,황준석,천용우,이인형 2015 2016-09-05


국내 양돈장의 차단방역 수준 평가 및 돼지써코바이러스 2형 감염의 위험요인에 관한 연구 최성현,박선일 2015 2016-09-05


Molecular Detection of Haemoproteus in Two Wild Eurasian Eagle Owls (Bubo bubo) in Middle Area of South Korea Han, Jae-Ik,Jang, Hye-Jin,Lee, Jong-Won,Kang, Hyo-Min,Na, Ki-Jeong 2015 2016-09-05


A Survey and Morphological Study of Plerocercoidal Nybelinia surmenicola (Cestoda: Tentaculariidae) in the Common Squid from the Korean Coastal Waters Kim, Hyeon-Cheol,Park, Jinho,Yu, Do-Hyeon,Chae, Joon-Seok,Yoo, Jae-Gyu,Sim, Cheolho,Choi, Kyoung-Seong,Park, Bae-Keun 2015 2016-09-05


Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Canine Ophthalmic Diseases in Seoul from 2009 to 2013 Kim, Joon-Young,Kim, Kyung-hee,Williams, David L.,Lee, Won-chang,Jeong, Soon-wuk 2015 2016-09-05


Measurement of the Tibial Plateau Angle in Normal Small Breed Dogs Kim, Choong-sup,Heo, Su-Young,Seol, Jae-Won,Kim, Min-Su,Lee, Sang-Hoon,Kim, Nam-Soo,Lee, Hae-Beom 2015 2016-09-05