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현재(2025년 1월 17일) 119,577 건의 기술정보가 등록되어 있습니다.

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수중음향통신에서 BCJR 기반의 터보 등화기 실험 성능 분석 안태석,정지원 2015 2016-09-05


Nuclear Sex Steroid Receptor Signaling in Amphioxus FANG, Yong-qiang,WENG, You-zhu 2015 2016-09-05


Characterization of Genes Involved in Gibberellin Metabolism and Signaling Pathway in the Biofuel Plant Jatropha curcas GAO, Cong-cong,NI, Jun,CHEN, Mao-sheng,XU, Zeng-fu 2015 2016-09-05


ER-α36 and Breast Cancer LIAN, Xin,SHI, Dan,LI, Hong-yan 2015 2016-09-05


The Regulation of Gibberellins in the Meristem and Elongation Zone of the Primary Root in Arabidopsis thaliana SHI, Ying,HAN, Yi-qiang,ZHENG, Dian-feng,FENG, Nai-jie,LIU, Tao 2015 2016-09-05


Effect of Iron-deficiency on the Expression of GA Signal Transduction Related Genes in Leaf of 'Dangshansuli' Pear(Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd. ) DING, Wei,ZHOU, Cong,LIU, Chao,HE, Jia-xuan,JIA, Bing,ZHU, Li-wu 2015 2016-09-05


단일 반송파를 이용한 해상 VHF 채널의 전파 경로 감쇠 지수 측정 김승근,김시문,윤창호,임용곤 2015 2016-09-05


Screening of Marine Fungus for Inducing Tobacco Cells to Produce Immune Responses CHEN, Xiao-qi,WANG, Xiao,MOU, Yan-hua,WANG, Nan 2015 2016-09-05


The Mosquito Repellent Citronellal Directly Potentiates Drosophila TRPA1, Facilitating Feeding Suppression Du, Eun Jo,Ahn, Tae Jung,Choi, Min Sung,Kwon, Ilmin,Kim, Hyung-Wook,Kwon, Jae Young,Kang, KyeongJin 2015 2016-09-05


Suppression of ASK beta;(AtSK32), a Clade III Arabidopsis GSK3, Leads to the Pollen Defect during Late Pollen Development Dong, Xiangshu,Nou, Ill-Sup,Yi, Hankuil,Hur, Yoonkang 2015 2016-09-05