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Formation process and characteristics of “Fertile island” and “Arthropod island” in desertified shrub land and their relations to ecosystem succession 2014 2016-09-05


On the Vibration Isolation for Space Camera During Launching DUAN, Peng-fei,LEI, Wen-ping 2014 2016-09-05


Influences of petroleum hydrocarbons on accumulation of cadmium and induction of metallothionein in the polychaete Perinereis aibuhitensis ZHANG, Qing-ru,MOU, Wen-yan,ZHANG, Jing-yi,LIU, Li,WEI, Shu-he 2014 2016-09-05


Diagnosis of oil spills in Shanghai coastal area based on multi-source satellite MODIS and HJ-1 YANG, Hong,HANG, Jun 2014 2016-09-05


Analysis on Characteristics of Air Environment Control System of Multi-Cabin Manned Spacecraft JIN, Jian,YANG, Lei 2014 2016-09-05


Practice of Spacecraft System Engineering Based on Collaborative Design Center HAN, Feng-yu,LUO, Qiang,ZHANG, Li-qiang,SHI, Wei 2014 2016-09-05


Requirement of near space vehicle concept design for solid rocket motor characteristics ZHAO, Chang-jian,CAI, Qiang,BU, Kui-chen,ZHAO, Jun-feng,TU, Jian-qiu 2014 2016-09-05


Research on numerical method of heat-sealing structure for spacecraft hull based on multi-physics coupling BAI, Yu-guang,XIA, Guang-qing,SUN, De-chuan,GAO, Xiao-wei 2014 2016-09-05


Research on structural health monitoring method for locating space debris impact on spacecraft seal structures WANG, Xiao-yu,ZHANG, Chao,SUN, Wei,QIU, Jin-hao,ZANG, Xiao-yun 2014 2016-09-05


Design of Data Handling System for Sounding Rockets XU, Rui,WU, Chun-jing,WEI, Ben-jie 2015 2016-09-05