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현재(2025년 1월 20일) 119,577 건의 기술정보가 등록되어 있습니다.

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An MRI method for monitoring the ripening of Grana Padano cheese Mulas, G.,Anedda, R.,Longo, D.L.,Roggio, T.,Uzzau, S. 2016 2016-08-29


Adverse childhood experiences influence the detrimental effect of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia on cortico-limbic grey matter volumes Poletti, S.,Vai, B.,Smeraldi, E.,Cavallaro, R.,Colombo, C.,Benedetti, F. 2016 2016-08-29


CD62-mediated activation of platelets in cerebral white matter lesions in patients with cognitive decline Kuriyama, N.,Mizuno, T.,Yasuike, H.,Matsuno, H.,Kawashita, E.,Tamura, A.,Ozaki, E.,Matsui, D.,Watanabe, I.,Koyama, T.,Miyatani, F.,Kondo, M.,Tokuda, T.,Ohshima, Y.,Muranishi, M.,Akazawa, K.,Takada, A. 2016 2016-08-29


Altered resting-state functional connectivity in late-life depression: A cross-sectional study Eyre, H.A.,Yang, H.,Leaver, A.M.,Van Dyk, K.,Siddarth, P.,Cyr, N.St.,Narr, K.,Ercoli, L.,Baune, B.T.,Lavretsky, H. 2016 2016-08-29


Investigating the impact of electromagnetic fields on human cells: A thermodynamic perspective Lucia, U.,Ponzetto, A.,Deisboeck, T.S. 2016 2016-08-29


A PMJ-inspired cognitive framework for natural scene categorization in line drawings Yu, M.,Liu, Y.J.,Wang, S.J.,Fu, Q.,Fu, X. 2016 2016-08-29


Brain MRI morphological patterns extraction tool based on Extreme Learning Machine and majority vote classification Termenon, M.,Grana, M.,Savio, A.,Akusok, A.,Miche, Y.,Bjork, K.M.,Lendasse, A. 2016 2016-08-29


An edge-based active contour model using an inflation/deflation force with a damping coefficient 2016 2016-08-29


Structural connectivity in Parkinson's disease Tessitore, A.,Giordano, A.,Russo, A.,Tedeschi, G. 2016 2016-08-29


Impact of Parkinson's disease and levodopa on resting state functional connectivity related to speech prosody control Elfmarkova, N.,Gajdos, M.,Mrackova, M.,Mekyska, J.,Mikl, M.,Rektorova, I. 2016 2016-08-29