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현재(2025년 1월 20일) 119,577 건의 기술정보가 등록되어 있습니다.

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Is there a role for PET/CT in the evaluation of primary and secondary hyperparathyroidism? Fuster, David,Torregrosa, Jos eacute,-Vicente,Campos, Francisco,Giammarile, Francesco,Cook, Gary J.,Rubello, Domenico,Pons, Francesca 2016 2016-08-29


Middle mesial canals in mandibular first molars: A micro-CT study in different populations Versiani, M.A.,Ordinola-Zapata, R.,Keles, A.,Alcin, H.,Bramante, C.M.,Pecora, J.D.,Sousa-Neto, M.D. 2016 2016-08-29


X-ray computed tomography using sparsity based regularization Liu, L.,Lin, W.,Pan, J.,Jin, M. 2016 2016-08-29


Management of winter cover crop residues under different tillage conditions affects nitrogen utilization efficiency and yield of eggplant (Solanum melanogena L.) in Mediterranean environment Radicetti, E.,Mancinelli, R.,Moscetti, R.,Campiglia, E. 2016 2016-08-29


Internal charge transfer based ratiometric interaction of anionic surfactant with calf thymus DNA bound cationic surfactant: Study I Mukherjee, A.,Chaudhuri, T.,Moulik, S.P.,Banerjee, M. 2016 2016-08-29


A hierarchical local region-based sparse shape composition for liver segmentation in CT scans Shi, C.,Cheng, Y.,Liu, F.,Wang, Y.,Bai, J.,Tamura, S. 2016 2016-08-29


A comparative study on the interaction of phenazinium dyes with low pH induced protonated structure and B-form structure of naturally occurring deoxyribonucleic acid Pradhan, A.B.,Das, S.,Haque, L.,Bhuiya, S.,Das, S. 2016 2016-08-29


Synthesis and multi-spectroscopic DNA binding study of 1,3,4-oxadiazole and 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives of fatty acid Hassan, M.F.,Rauf, A. 2016 2016-08-29


The impact of Eu3+ concentration on charge transfer and f-f transitions in KLa1-xEuxP4O12 nanocrystals Marciniak, L.,Guyot, Y.,Hreniak, D.,Strek, W. 2016 2016-08-29


Transgenic Expression of Osteoactivin/gpnmb Enhances Bone Formation In Vivo and Osteoprogenitor Differentiation Ex Vivo Frara, Nagat,Abdelmagid, Samir M.,Sondag, Gregory R.,Moussa, Fouad M.,Yingling, Vanessa R.,Owen, Thomas A.,Popoff, Steven N.,Barbe, Mary F.,Safadi, Fayez F. 2016 2016-08-29