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현재(2025년 1월 20일) 119,577 건의 기술정보가 등록되어 있습니다.

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High thermostable ordered mesoporous SiO2-TiO2 coated circulating-bed biofilm reactor for unpredictable photocatalytic and biocatalytic performance Zhang, L.,Xing, Z.,Zhang, H.,Li, Z.,Wu, X.,Zhang, X.,Zhang, Y.,Zhou, W. 2016 2016-08-29


Bulk and gamma;@?Al2O3-supported Ni2P and MoP for hydrodeoxygenation of palmitic acid Peroni, M.,Mancino, G.,Barath, E.,Gutierrez, O.Y.,Lercher, J.A. 2016 2016-08-29


Synthesis of oxide supported LaMnO3 perovskites to enhance yields in toluene combustion Giroir-Fendler, A.,Alves-Fortunato, M.,Richard, M.,Wang, C.,Diaz, J.A.,Gil, S.,Zhang, C.,Can, F.,Bion, N.,Guo, Y. 2016 2016-08-29


Copper-doped titania photocatalysts for simultaneous reduction of CO2 and production of H2 from aqueous sulfide Gonell, F.,Puga, A.V.,Julian-Lopez, B.,Garcia, H.,Corma, A. 2016 2016-08-29


Direct methane oxidation on La1-xSrxCr1-yFeyO3- delta; perovskite-type oxides as potential anode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells Aliotta, C.,Liotta, L.F.,Deganello, F.,La Parola, V.,Martorana, A. 2016 2016-08-29


Surface Ba species effective for photoassisted NOx storage over Ba-modified TiO2 photocatalysts Yamamoto, A.,Mizuno, Y.,Teramura, K.,Hosokawa, S.,Tanaka, T. 2016 2016-08-29


Enhancement in carbon dioxide activity and stability on nanostructured silver electrode and the role of oxygen Jee, M.S.,Jeon, H.S.,Kim, C.,Lee, H.,Koh, J.H.,Cho, J.,Min, B.K.,Hwang, Y.J. 2016 2016-08-29


The electrochemical reduction of nitrate over micro-architectured metal electrodes with stainless steel scaffold Su, J.F.,Ruzybayev, I.,Shah, I.,Huang, C.P. 2016 2016-08-29


Accelerated self-cleaning by Cu promoted semiconductor binary-oxides under low intensity sunlight irradiation Rtimi, S.,Pulgarin, C.,Sanjines, R.,Kiwi, J. 2016 2016-08-29


Largely Cu-doped LaCo1-xCuxO3 perovskites for TWC: Toward new PGM-free catalysts Glisenti, A.,Pacella, M.,Guiotto, M.,Natile, M.M.,Canu, P. 2016 2016-08-29