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Current Perspectives on Paleolithic Archaeology in the Upper Hanjiang River Valley, Central China WANG, She-jiang,LU, Hua-yu 2014 2016-09-05


Biodiversity and trophic level characteristics of fishes captured by set nets in Tong'an Bay, Xiamen LIAO, Jian-ji,ZHENG, Xin-qing,DU, Jian-guo,CHEN, Bin,MA, Zhi-yuan,HU, Wen-jia 2014 2016-09-05


Experience and improvement of teaching method of zoological course in higher agricultural university 2014 2016-09-05


영산강 수계 저영향개발(LID)의 수질효과 평가 김석규,강재홍,박세환,고광용,하돈우 2011 2016-09-05


밭 비점오염 저감효과 평가를 위한 포장실험 연구 박태양,김성재,장정렬,최강원,김상민 2011 2016-09-05


A Comparison of Soil Organic Carbon Pools in Two Typical Estuary Reed Wetlands in Northern China LUO, Xian-xiang,JIA, Hong-li,YANG, Jian-qiang,WANG, Zhen-yu 2015 2016-09-05


Studies on the Macrobenthic Diversity in the Water Around Gulei Peninsula of Fujian in Spring LIN, Jun-hui,WANG, Jian-jun,LIN, He-shan,HE, Xue-bao,HUANG, Ya-qin,LI, Rong-guan,ZHENG, Feng-wu,ZHENG, Cheng-xing 2015 2016-09-05


Suitable temperature indices of double-cropping super early rice at tfllering stage LU, Kui-dong,LI, Han-mao,HUANG, Wan-hua,LI, Ying-chun 2015 2016-09-05


Nitrogen sensitivity of four epiphyte lichens from habitats of Rhinopithecus roxellana in Shennongjia Nature Reserve WANG, Chuan-hua,YANG, Lin,YUAN, Qiao-ling,#Munzi, Silvana,LIU, Ming0jun 2015 2016-09-05


Error structure and additivity of individual tree biomass model for four natural conifer species in Northeast China DONG, Li-hu,LI, Feng-ri,SONG, Yu-wen 2015 2016-09-05