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현재(2025년 1월 16일) 119,577 건의 기술정보가 등록되어 있습니다.

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전산화단층촬영에서 촬영 목적 부위와 주변 결정장기에 대한 피폭선량 평가: 선량 권고량 중심으로 이서영,김경리,하혜경,임인철,이재승,박형후,곽병준,유윤식 2013 2016-09-05


Identification by SSR Molecular Markers and Comparative Analysis in Morphological Characterization in Lolium multiflorum Hybrid Progenies ZHAO, Xin-xin,ZHANG, Xin-quan,MIAO, Jia-min,HUANG, Lin-kai,JI, Yang 2013 2016-09-05


Identification of Cool- night Temperature Induced Reproductive Transition Related Genes from Phalaenopsis hybrida by Suppression Subtractive Hybridization LI, Dong-Mei,LIANG, Xuan-Qiang,ZHU, Gen-Fa,SUN, Ying-Bo,XU, Ye-Chun,JIANG, Ming-Dian,CAO, Jun-Xi,LIU, Jin-Wei,LV, Fu-Bing 2013 2016-09-05


국내 야생화들로부터 국내 미기록 효모, Rhodosporidium fluviale, Rhodosporidium paludigenum과 Candida sp. 80-J-3, Kluyveromyces thermotolerans의 특성 현세희,이향범,이종수 2013 2016-09-05


Preliminary study on fishery biology of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the South Pacific Ocean near Solomon Islands CHEN, Feng,GUO, Ai,ZHU, Wen-bin,ZHANG, Hong-liang,ZHOU, Yong-dong,XU, Han-xiang,XU, Kai-da 2013 2016-09-05


Floral Morphogenesis of Thyrocarpus glochidiatus Maxim.(Boraginaceae) YAN, Rui-ya,JIANG, Chun,HAO, Jia-chen,WEI, Lai,LIU, Quan-ru 2014 2016-09-05


Advances in the genes associated with the development of ventral limbs in insects FU, Ming-yue,CHEN, Peng,DAI, Fang-yin,LU, Cheng,TONG, Xiao-ling 2014 2016-09-05


Assessment of Facial Growth for Children Based on Three-Dimensional Face Database LIN, Sheng-liang,JI, Cha,XU, Lin,ZHAO, Zheng-yan 2014 2016-09-05


Ultrastructure and function of anaerobic ammonium oxidation bacteria cells JIA, Fang-xu,PENG, Yong-zhen,WANG, Shan-yun,WANG, Shu-ying,YANG, Qing 2014 2016-09-05


The Roles of Non-cell-autonomous Transcription Factors in the Regulation of Plant Meristem Development GU, Hui-ying,JIANG, Wei,LI, Jing,WANG, Zhi-min,TANG, Qing-lin,SONG, Ming 2014 2016-09-05