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현재(2025년 1월 18일) 119,577 건의 기술정보가 등록되어 있습니다.

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Therapeutically Effect of a Novel Truncated Transforming Growth Factor-β Type Ⅱ Receptor Protein in Rat Hepatic Fibrosis MA, Hong-chuang,BAI, He,ZHANG, Zhe,ZHAO, Bing-hai,CAO, Ya-nan,LI, Hong-zhi,LIU, Jie-ting,ZHANG, Chun-lei,FENG, Biao,CHU, Yan-hui 2014 2016-09-05


Expression and Activity Assay of Human Aldehyde Dehydrogenase2 in Escherichia coli HUANG, Juan,WANG, He-hua,ZHANG, Xiao-ji,PAN, Bo-yu,CHEN, Xiao-ping,WU, Yuan-xin 2014 2016-09-05


Optimization of Induction Conditions of Recombinant Cyanide-degrading Enzyme Expressed in E. coli CHEN, Huan-ji,LI, Qing-yun,YIN, Ye-xing,LIU, You-yan,GAN, Yu 2014 2016-09-05


Community structure of soil ammonia-oxidizing bacteria along the transitional zone of inland Wuliangsuhai Lake LI, Jing-yu,DU, Rui-fang,WU, Lin-hui,YU, Jing-li,XU, Ji-fei,ZHAO, Ji 2014 2016-09-05


Expression Studies of Ascorbate Peroxidase from Lycium chinense Mill. in E. coli and Yeast GAO, Hai-ling,JI, Jing,WANG, Gang,WU, Guang-xia,RONG, Fei,GUAN, Chun-feng,JIN, Chao 2014 2016-09-05


Correlation Analysis between Gene Polymorphism of trnS-G Sequence and Content of Salidrosides in Tibetan Medicine of Rhodiola taohoensis S.H.Fu ZHANG, De-jun,YUAN, Wang-tao,LI, Meng-ting,LIU, Ming-cheng,ZHANG, Yu-hao 2015 2016-09-05


Development Statuses and Future Suggestions of Biomedical Parks in China PU, Run,LI, Ping-ping,SU, Yue,ZHU, Min,HUA, Yu-tao 2015 2016-09-05


Estabilishment and Application of a Model for Drug Screening Targeting Neprilysin Proteinase TIAN, Cong-hui,TANG, Yan-ting,WANG, Quan,ZHOU, Hong-gang 2015 2016-09-05


Screening of Antimicrobial Active Substance from Symbiotic Fungi in Housefly and Initial Identification of Strain CY-03 GE, Yan-qin,SHAO, Ming-wei,ZHOU, Xuan,WEN, Dan,PAN, Qing-qing 2015 2016-09-05


Gene-targeted pigs based on somatic cell cloning approaches YAN, Quan-mei,LAI, Liang-xue 2015 2016-09-05